The Allegany Arts Association's 11th Annual Poetry Contest/Slam held April 19 found poetry writers of all ages gathered at the David A. Howe Library to read their poems and share their concerted efforts. Named in honor of Adam Gayhart, a prolific local poet who passed away in May 2017, the poetry contest brought ten (10) writers whose work was diverse, intelligent, intense, wise and witty.
First prize of $50 was won by Daniel Fox of Belfast with his popular poem “Out of the Migrant Streams Endless Flood”, pointing out we are all immigrants. He also read “The Journey” and a short poem “A Voice We Need” exhorting women to speak and be heard.
Daniel Fox
Second prize of $25 was won by new poet Breanna Hanchett, reading “What’s It’s Like Being Human”, along with two other thoughtful poems.
Third prize ($15 each) was shared by well-known Alfred poet Joseph Flynn, and former winner Jasmine Schumacher of Hornell. Flynn’s poem “Near Yesterday” about Malcom X and Martin Luther King was very well received. Jasmine, in her fourth appearance, exhibited real growth as she examined her personal angst with insight and humor.
Jasmine Schumacher, Joseph Flynn, and Breanna Hanchett
Bradford, PA, poet Donald Neal won Honorable Mention in his second appearance, with poems of love and life.
Other participants, who were equally popular, were newcomers MK Kellogg, Edward Linnecke, Mary Zdrojewski and veteran poets Vicki Grant and Chuck Wiser.
Joanne Allen was moderator, Sandy Greiff and Kay Eicher, of the Allegany Arts Association counted votes and acted as final judges. Don Ash of Radio Station WRAQ, 92.7 FM, recorded the poems for airing on April 20 and 21.
The 2019 AAA Poetry Contest/Slam is planned for April 18, but plans
for get-togethers to share poetry, and possible Poetry Workshops are afoot. For more information, contact Joanne Allen at 585-593-5705.